Arthur Girón spoke about Edith Stein at the UFM

Arthur Girón and Armando de la Torre, with a copy of Edith Stein.

The dramatist Arthur Girón, author of Edith Stein -a work about that saint of Jewish origin- lectured at the course Three extraordinary women imparted by Armando de la Torre in the Superior School of Social Sciences, of Universidad Francisco Marroquín.

«The 20th Century was characterized, among other things, for being the first in which women appeared at the vanguard of thought next to the men», indicated professor de la Torre when presenting the course that began last January. In the course three women that defied totalitarianism in different ways are studied.

Edit Stein´s work studied is Ewiges und endliches sei (1929). In it her meditations on «a womans vocation» are studied, as well as her Scientia Crucis (1932).  It is also very interesting the homily about her that John Paul II pronounced for her beatification (1987).

Edit Stein was doctorate summa cum laude in philosophy and disciple and the right hand of Edmund Husserl, founder of Phenomenology; she peregrinated towards the mystical stages of knowledge after her encounter with Max Scheler and ended becoming a Carmelite nun. She died gassed by the Nazis in a concentration camp at forty two years of age and was canonized by John Paul II in 1998.

In the book Edith Stein, Girón dramatizes the life of Stein and the tensions between Christians and Jews that are developed around a woman that incarnates both identities.  Girón is author of Becoming Memories, The Coffee Trees, Garden of Paradise, Moving Bodies and Flight.  

During the course, the monumental novel studies Atlas shrugged (1957), translated to Spanish under the title La rebellion del Atlas, by Ayn Rand.  In addition We the living (1936), translated as Los que vivimos, and The Fountainhead (1943) or El Manantial; and from Hanna Arendt they read her work The origins of totalitarism (1951). Equally stimulating for those who want to familiarize even more with their legacy is her essay The Human Condition (1969). 

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