Reading clubs will meet again at the Library

Some of the books read by the Classic’s Club, at the UFM.

Today, Tuesday January 9th of 2007, at 5:30 p.m. the Classics Reading Club will meet again at the Ludwig von Mises Library of Universidad Francisco Marroquín.  During the holidays, this group read On duties, by Cicero and that will be the first subject of discussion.

The members of the UFM family and the friends of the good reading are invited to participate in this and the other reading clubs that meet at the Library.

Another club will meet on Wednesday 10th at 12:00 p.m. to discuss The story of a seagull and the cat who taught her to fly, by Luis Sepúlveda, read at the end of last year.

The third club will have its meeting that same day, at 2:00 p.m. to interchange ideas on A Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley.
More information on the clubs and the inscription will be provided, gladly, by Adelaida Loukota at 2338-7961, or

In 2006 the Classics group had 12 meetings.  The read books are The Iliad, The Republic, Antigone, Vindication, Crito and Peloponnesian war

The second club read books such as Children of Incense and Powder, The Perfume, The Old Man and the Sea, By the Dark Side, Mrs. Dollway and Memories of Adrian, among others. This group read 12 books and held 42 meetings.  They also received the visit of the writers Francisco Perez de Antón, Amelia Lau, Carla Guelfenbein and Adelaida Loukota.

The third club read The Kingdom of this World, Cold blooded, Damian and The Tunnel, among others.  This group read 13 books in 42 meetings.  And also had the visit of the writers Francisco Perez de Antón, Eduardo Halfon and Daniel Quisquinay. Additionally they saw the movie Capote.





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