Petra Müellers displayed her work at Of Free Expression

Petra Müellers while showing her work

The artist Petra Müellers, student at the School of Medicine of the Francisco Marroquín University, showed some of her work during the celebration of Of Free Expression, last Tuesday April 18th, 2006.

Müellers is the creator of the logo of Of Free Expression, which she presented and explained during the exhibition.  She develops websites, paints and draws.  Her work can be seen in and

Of Free Expression  is called like that so that you can give it the meaning you want, for example:  a moment of free expression, space of free expression or place of free expression.

«The goal is that we, as UFM students, have a nice space where we can show off.  We plan to celebrate Of Free Expression  every second Tuesday.  Next Tuesday we will have music, painting and poetry; we will also have an architects model exhibition so that architecture students have more incentives to improve their work», explained Marcelo Furlán, one of the promoters.

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