Enterprising began course in the UFM

The members of the class of the 3:00 p.m. during its stroll by the Academic Building of the UFM

Ready to found his companies and to be developed like successful individuals, more than 40 young people between the 16 and 18 years of age they participate in the Course of Entrepreneurs that organizes the University Francisco Marroquín.

Espíritu emprendedor is an integral course, lead by the Center of Excellence of the UFM, by means of as is acquired and they are learned to use the tools philosophical, moral, psychological, economic and enterprise, necessary to reach the own goals and to be successful in a competitive economy of market. This means:

– To learn to detect and to value oportunidades. 
– To act consequently, developing a fast plan of action.
– To understand the context within as actúa. 
– To defend and to fortify the economic process, that makes the activity possible emprendedora. 
– To identify and to cultivate the qualities of the character that lead to the success.

The Course of Entrepreneurs is directed to students of the last year of secondary, with initiative and personal ambition, that they want to be leaders in the future. It consists of six modules: Development of a Company; Personal finances; Trade; Philosophy to live in the Earth; The a, b c and the z of the market economy; and Psychology of the self-esteem.

They are professors of this course Carla de Hess, Rossanna de Grazioso, Jose Raul González, Lucrecia de González, Fritz Thomas, Warren Orbaugh, Ernesto Güller, Fernando Monterroso and Luis Figueroa.

A reduced number of aspirings was only admitted, in order to obtain a qualification of the highest quality, direct bonding with the professor and integration of all the participants.

The Course, that began the 2 of August of 2005,  se distributes Tuesdays, Thursday and Friday in two schedules: from 3:00 to 4:45 p.m. and from 5:00 to 6:45 p.m. in the campus of the UFM.

The same one has as antecedent the successful
 que was celebrated 4 of May the last, with the participation of more than 600 students of different schools.

See photos of
the course here.

English translation by
Google Language Tools.




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