President Chen, of Taiwan, visited the UFM

President Chen Shui-bian when he was received by director Giancarlo Ibárgüen S. in the Plaza de la Libertad, of the UFM

Chen Shui-bian, president of the Republic of China, Taiwan, and the members of their retinue, visited the museums Popol Vuh and Ixchel of the University Francisco Marroquín Thursday 22 of September of 2005.

The Taiwanese agent chief executive was received, in the Seat of the Freedom, by the director of the UFM, Giancarlo Ibárgüen S. and by directors of the museums that gave the welcome him. Also by professor Antonio Ho, of Taiwan, that is in the University Francisco Marroquín, giving classes in the Faculty of Economic Sciences.

In the Museum Popol Vuh he was taken care of by Coralia de Rodriguez, member of the board of directors of the same one, that showed Chen the galleries of the museum in company of Ibárgüen. When coming out from same the President of Taiwan it received flatteries from the Museum and it signed its book of distinguished visitors.

During his stay in the campus the Chief of State visitor also knew the Ixchel Museum, in where he was taken care of by Barbara de Arathoon and in where also received a flattery.

President Chen came to the UFM accompanied by the ambassador of Taiwan, Francisco H. L. Ou.

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