Harrison´s Club for future doctors

The club´s poster

The Future Doctor´s Association, association of medicine students of the Francisco Marroquín University is organizing, in this house of studies, the Harrison´s Club.

«This project´s purpose is to use the Internal Medicine text as a platform to promote the study of other medicine areas and the discussion between the specialists, students, residents and doctors», Rebeca Mirón, the club´s director, explained.

«In this occasion the topics will be severe sepsis and the septic shock; and the exhibitor will be doctor Mark Cohen», she added.

With the support of the University and McGraw Hill Publications, the Club will meet biweekly as of this Monday January 30, occasion in which the encounter will be celebrated in the Socratic Wing of the Academic Building at the UFM campus from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. The membership has a cost of Q30. More information at





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