Psychology students finished practices

Prom 2005 outside of the Viktor Frankl clinics

When concluding their supervised clinical practices, 14 students of Clinical Psychology of the Francisco Marroquín University received a recognition from their Department director Yetilú de Baessa and the clinic coordinator, Andrea de Licht.

The students Who finished that important stage of their formation were Marinés Aguilar, Maria Eugenia Falla, Marisol Balbás, Ana Regina Vides, Salvador Aguilar, Marcela Basterrechea, Pili Biba, Rose Maria Arellano, Lucia Morales, Isabel de Pivaral, Glenda Estrada, Maria Jose De León, Karin Breunner and Anneliese Herman.

During the act, doctor Baessa gave a speech so they would remember the professional commitment that they have acquired, as well as the importance of constant learning.

The student Maria Eugenia Falla expressed the importance that this period of formation as students, previous to exert in a professional and independent way, as psychologists. Additionally, she thanked the authorities the constant commitment with the education of excellent quality.

The act was celebrated on November 22 of 2005, in the Psychology Clinic Viktor Frankl, at the UFM. The act was attended by the Director of the Department of Psychology, Yetilú de Baessa, the coordinator of the Clinic, Andrea Musso de Licht, and the administrative personnel.

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