Jean-Maurice Moulene, at the Architecture School

Víctor Cohen, Jean-Maurice Moulene, Eduardo Aguilar and Giancarlo Ibárgüen S., UFM´s President

In order to impart the conference titled Contemporary Tendencies of urban development, and to participate in other academic activities with the Faculty of Architecture at the Francisco Marroquín University, architect Jean-Maurice Mouléne visited this house of studies.

Mouléne also participated in activities with the Masters in Administration of Real Estate Projects of that academic unit.  This masters deals with how to go from an idea to the development of a profitable and efficient real estate project; and it is directed to professionals of all the areas interested in that economic activity.

Mouléne is professor at the California University in Los Angeles; director of the Moulene & Polyzoides company; member of the Society for College and Unviersity Planning; author of Urbanisme, Monuments historiques and of Maisones Paysannes de France.

The conference was celebrated in the Auditorium Milton Friedman of the New Media Building, in the UFM, on Friday February 10 2006.   

In a letter, sent to UFM´s President Giancarlo Ibárgüen S., Moléne exressed that «reading the UFM´s Ideals I decided to show our work based on theory and practice. It was a pleasure for me to present our methods and proposals and, finally our projects to the UFM students. I was verry impressed by the quality of their questions and I enjoyed answering each one of them. The dialog was very productive. Ernesto Porras, Víctor Cohen, Adolfo Lau and Eduardo Aguilar were very helpfull and contributed to elevate the students interest. Congratulations to you and your team for the excelent work at the UFM».




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