Liberalism ethical challenges in a transcultural context

Antonio Yan, Roberto Blum, Juan José Ramirez and Julio César De León at the Milton Friedman Auditorium

The ethical challenges of liberalism in a transcultural context: past, present and future, was the subject of the forum organized by the Institute of Political Studies and International Relations and the Ibn Khaldun Center, of the Francisco Marroquín University, on February 16th of 2006.

«This forum explored the psychological aspects around the cognitive formation of ethical values; the theory of evolutionary ethics; the process of secularization of western tradition in the formation of ethical-capitalist values and, finally, the synchronic process between a confucionist cosmovision and western market institutions, in the case of Taiwan», explained David Martínez-Amador, director of the IK Center. During the same one a film on Kung Tse (Confucius) was presented.

The participating panelists were Juan Jose Ramirez, psychologist and associated professor of Social Philosophy; Roberto Blum, director of the David Hume Ethics Center; Julio César De León Barbero, Chairman of the Social Philosophy Department and Antonio Yan, invited professor of the Economic Sciences School.

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