New Media, at GuateAmala

New Media´s crew, at the exhibition
Photos by Luis Pedro Mirón, Jorge Samayoa and Sergio Miranda

Due to its contribution towards the innovation culture, UFM´s New Media, is one of the successful and exemplary projects included at the exhibition displayed by GuateAmala in Guatemala city´s Plazuela España.

The purpose of New Media is to help UFM´s professors, students and investigators to use, create and administrate  digital resources that complement their academic work, adapting technologies that allow the digitalization of documents, images, audio and video; Internet interaction; and e-learning courses development.

Also, New Media facilitates an archive of UFM´s educative materials, including courses, works and high quality projects prepared by students and presentations offered by invited lecturers and professors.

GuateAmala is the name given to the citizens movement Culture of Life, which wishes to transform Guatemalans attitude towards a proactive and propositive approach, thus establishing behavior guidelines to the citizens, inspiring them to live and to act positively. 

On February 1st of 2006, the New Media team visited the exhibition of GuateAmala.

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