Oslo´s student visits EPRI

Alejandra Méndez, Martín Rivera, Milton Barrascout, Diego Vásquez and Lioba Suchnewirth

Lioba Suchenwirth, doctorate student at the University of Oslo; within a training program on peace and conflicts visited the Francisco Marroquín University to meet with EPRI´s authorities and the Ibn Khaldun International Research Center.

Suchenwirth took advantage of the visit to make a focal study on the Guatemalan students perception on some articles that appeared in the local newspapers about Guatemalan natives representation in mass media. In the activity, the students Alejandra Méndez, Martín Rivera, Milton Barrascout and Diego Vásquez participated.

«At the same time, the possibility of constructing a series of academic seminaries, in which Suchenwirth will present the results of her investigation to the EPRI´s academic community, was discussed; as well as the possibility of interchanging academic and research material between the University of Oslo and the IK Center», David Martínez-Amador, director of the Center, explained.




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