Property, discussed at Freedom Explorations 

The colloquy participants during a break

Property rights were discussed during the 16th colloquy of the series Freedom Explorations celebrated at the Francisco Marroquín University, last February 23-25th, 2006. 

During the same one the discussion was about property rights basics, private rights and comunal rights; contracts, government and property; business, employes and the «principal agent» problem; alternate property rights and, property rights and freedom.

In the colloquy the participants were: from Perú, Enrique Ghersi, César Coronel, Fernando Cantuarias and Enrique Pasquel; from Costa Rica, Alex Montero; from México, Javier Aparicio; from Guatemala, Regina de Fernández, María Luisa de Padilla and Yetilú de Baessa; from El Salvador, Rafael Barraza; from the United States of America, Wayne Leighton and Ana Iltis; from Argentina, Lucas Llach and Horacio Spector. Ricardo Castillo A., UFM´s general secretary conducted the discussions.

Giancarlo Ibárgüen S., UFM´s President and Fernando Monterroso V., expresident acted as observers.

The series
  is part of an integral program from the presidency that includes socratic dialogues, colloquies with school diretors, and the series Freedom Colloquies.  This series is directed by Lucy Martínez-Mont. 

Some of the participants went on a tour through the UFM campus.

More photos, 




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