Reading Club at the Ludwig von Mises Library

Emelina Orantes, Pablo Galindo and Dulce María Franco, at the Ludwig von Mises Library

«The Ludwig Von Mises Library of the Francisco Marroquín University, as part of its cultural activities, opened up a Reading Club, a space for those who like to read and wish to foment good reading habits and turn it into a pleasant and useful entertainment», informed Dulce María Franco, coordinator of patron´s services.

The reading circle will be coordinated by professor Emelina Orantes, who has the opinion that through good reading habits you find a way to easily express your own point of view.

«Each group will meet at the Library´s first floor to share their points of view on the reading material. Each reading circle, within the Club, has a particular subject. The activities will begin with the subject of interior struggle, and the first book will be Ernest Heminway´s The old man and the sea. The second circle is dedicated to the alegría chapina  to get acquainted with Guatemala´s customs; and the third reading circle is dedicated to the kitchen and to the heart», Orantes explained.

The reading circles will be on Wednesdays from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. and from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. The participation has no cost, each person brings his own book and the parking has a price of Q10 per hour. Information at; and on the telephone 2338-7823.





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