Students from Villaflor School visited the UFM campus

The visitors, from Villaflor School, at UFM´s Liberty Plaza

With the purpose of visiting the Francisco Marroquín University and to learn the different careers that are imparted here, 27 students from the Villaflor School visited this house of studies last February 27th, 2006. 

During their stay at the UFM campus they made a guided visit to the Popil Vuh Museum, the Ludwig von Mises Library, the new Business School building and the Academic Building.

They were attended by Rossana de Grazioso from the Admissions Department at the Friedrich A. Hayek Auditorium, who informed them of the UFM´s carreers, the UFM´s mission that is, the education and diffusion of the ethical, legal and economic principles of a society of free and responsible persons, and its compromise with

When concluding the visit, the students, who were escorted by David Chacón, philosophy teacher at the UFM, went to the Künstler Kaffee for a snak.

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IA y academia, alianzas y desafíos


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