Juan Carlos Uhía talked about development and social capital

Uhía’s work was published by Convenio Andrés Bello

Juan Carlos Uhía, autor of La Sociedad Revelada, anotaciones para un mundo post-moderno, gave a lecture on development and social capital at the Francisco Marroquin University.

The conference, for students of second, third and fourth year of the Economic Sciences School, was celebrated on March 16th 2006, at the Friedrich A. Hayek Auditorium of this house of studies.

Uhía, from Bogotá, Colombia, is a psychologist and communicator with studies on philosophy. He has worked as a business consultant and a university professor.  He has collaborated with newspapers, periodic publications, and articles on ethics, communication and social analysis topics.

In his work, Uhía holds that while the known world is tearing apart, sometimes in outrageous ways and others in pacific ways, life conditions and reality perceptions emerge.  In these sense, the change of socio-cultural coordinates and, therefore, sensibility lead us quickly to disagreement and perplexity.




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