New Media gave video to contest winner

Olga Armírez, after receiving her short film

Olga Armírez, winner of the script contest organized by the New Media Digital Resources Center, at the Francisco Marroquín University, received the DVD with the short film titled » Cuando sea diputado«, last February 18th, 2006.

The production was filmed on July 2005, and the actors were Yolanda Sandoval, Guillermo Ramírez, Gretchen Barneónd and Mario Mendoza.  » Cuando sea diputado» was directed by Luis Fernando Midence and produced by the staff at New Media.

Since Armírez entered a theater workshop with the producer and director Dick Smith, she became an amateur writter.  She has written short theatrical plays.  Has collaborated with the theatrical group Canbó and acted in the Norma Padilla Regional Theatrical Shows.  Olga Ramírez tells that her «only light to write the current script was reading the book » me alquilo para soñar» from Gabriel García Márquez».  The family in this story lives in «a kind of euforia from the pre-victory of the candidate, and eludes inmediate responsabilities, hoping the best.»




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