Taxes, discussed at Freedom Explorations

A group at UFM´s Liberty Plaza

Taxeswas the topic discussed during the 17th colloquy of the series Exploring Freedom celebrated at the Francisco Marroquín University, from March 23rd until 25th of 2006.

During the same one they discussed how it is that personal interest induces persons to seek for protection; the tributary politics problems; why is the portion of national income that the government spends growing; why redistribution does not works; the consequences of government expansion; and the state and individual freedom at the XXI century.

At the colloquy the participants were: from Equator, Juan Fernando Carpio; from the US, Roberto González; from México, Adolfo Gutiérrez, from Chile, Pablo Kangiser and Juan Couyoumdjian; from Venezuela, Alberto Mansueti and Trino Márque; from Costa Rica, Andrés Oviedo; from Argentina, Martín Simonetta, and from Bolivia, Alejandro Mercado.  From Guatemala the participants were Wenceslao Gímenez-Bonet, Hugo Maúl, Ivonne de Suárez and Jose Raúl González.  Leading the discussions was Julia Barragán, from Venezuela.

The series Freedom Explorations is part of an integral program of the UFM´s Presidency, together with the Liberty Fund, that promotes the socratic dialogues and ideas interchange in a freedom environment.

Giancarlo Ibárgüen S., UFM´s President; Manual F. Ayau, UFM´s President emeritus; Julio Cole, economics professor, and James Cote, from the Liberty Fund, acted as observers.

Some participants made a visit to the UFM campus on Friday 24th.

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