Test your stock exchange skills!

The invitation for the second competition

The second stock exchange competition of potential investors, through a simulated portfolio in Market Watch, has been organized by the Students In Free Enterprise team of the Francisco Marroquín University.

«The competition will last 4 weeks; and the participant that has the biggest returns will win Q300, the second and third prices will be Q100 and Q75 each» Diego Joachín, SIFE-UFM team member, said.

The inscription cost will be Q30 per participant.  These competitions will continue during all year long and are for UFM students.  Its main purpose is to raise funds for the SIFE-UFM team and to promote the financial skills of the students, he added.

«The opening ceremony will be a lecture on investments and portfolios, by an expert.  During the same one, the winners of the first competition, that ended last March 17th, will be given their awards, and the proper instructions for participating in the new competition will be given», said Joachin.

Students In Free Enterprise is a non profit organization, active in more than 40 countries.  Founded and financed by corporations, businessman, foundations and individuals.  It establishes teams of students from different universities, who compete in a world championship based on the SIFE´s pillars: financial skills, entrepreneurship, business ethics and market economics.




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