Jean-Francois Revel died

Jean-Francois Revel received an honorific doctors degree at the UFM

Jean-François Revel, philosopher and writer, who in December 1986 received an honoris causa  degree in humanities, ad the Francisco Marroquín University, has died.

Revel was born in Marsella, France en 1924.  He studied at La Sorbona and taught in the French Institute and at the University of Florence.

«Revel was a member of the Académie Française.  He taught philosophy at the French Institute in Mexico City and in Florence during the 1950s.  He wrote for the newspaper LExpress, whom he directed since 1978 until 1981; and he also wrote for Le Point.  His more than twenty books deal with diverse themes like gastronomy, philosophy, liberalism and anti-Americanism.  But, above all, the most outstanding was his complaint of the systematic use of lies by the left», says a note published about him in

In his work, he always favored economic prosperity, high levels of technological and scientific competition, a future oriented sprit and a lot of freedom in the politics, social, cultural and international fields.

Among his works, at the
Ludwig von Mises Library, are Without Marx or Jesus, Anti-Americanism; How Democracies Perish, The Flight from Truth:  The Reing of Deceit in the Age of Information, La Grace del Etat, La tentativa totalitaria  and Terrorismo interminable, among others.




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