Nora Domínguez and Juan Carlos Ruiz got scholarship

Nora Domínguez and Juan Carlos Ruiz, at the Ludwig von Mises Library workshop

 Nora Domínguez, coordinator of Technical Processes (catalogue, classification, preservation and conservation) of that Ludwig von Mises Library and Juan Carlos Ruíz, preservation, won a scholarship given by Spains government to assist at the Course on Collection Management and Preventive Conservation Practices in Libraries and Document Centers: Criteria and Restoration Techniques.

The course will be given at the Antigua Guatemala, from May 22nd to May 26th 2006, and will have the participation of persons from all of Latin America.  Representatives from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, México, Perú, República Dominicana, Uruguay and Guatemala will be part of a group of 20 persons selected to participate in this course organized by the Centro Iberoamericano de Formación (C.I.F.).

After a selection process held in Spain, Nora and Juan Carlos were two of the four Guatemalans selected to participate in the course; due to its experience working with old book collections and the appropriate environment and equipment at the UFMs library to apply what they learn during the five days of activities.

In the course, that will be divided in tree theoretical parts complemented with practical sessions, they will study themes like collection management, deterioration factors, intervention and restoration methodology and criteria.




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