»Of Free Expression» season ended

Mario Cárdenas and Marcelo Furlán, in one of their interpretations

With the participation of the voices and guitar of Mario Cárdenas, Marcelo Furlán and Iván Morales; and the poetry of Adelaida Loukota, the first edition of Of Free Exrpession ended last May 23rd 2006.

Of Free Expression is celebrated at the Kaffee Künstler at the Ludwig von Mises Library of the Francisco Marroquín University; and is called like that so that everyone gives it the character that he wants; for example: Moment of free expression, Space of free expression or Place of free expression.

The main objective of this space is that the UFM students, with different artistic talents, have a nice place to show off and express themselves artistically.  During the first semester of 2006, Of Free Expression, was held every second Tuesday.

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