Professor of the UFM’s School of Medicine named Master of ACP

Abraham García Kutzbach, at the center, during his naming in Philadelphia

Abraham García Kutzbah, medical doctor and professor of Medicine and Reumathology at the Francisco Marroquín University School of Medicine, was named Master of the American College of Physicians.

García Kutzbach has been head of the Internal Medicine Department of the Hospital Universitario Esperanza.  Currently he works in his private practice and, for many years, has been a leader in Internal Medicine and Reumathology in Guatemala and Latin America.  He is president of the International League of Reumathology Associations.  He has also presided the Reumathology Association of Guatemala and the Reumathology Association of Central America and the Caribean; as well as the Andine Association of that specialty.

He has been invited to give lectures in many countries, having assisted to 150 national and international congresses.  He has published more than 55 articles.  In 1995 he was invited to participate as professor of the Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program IV course in New Orleans, and he gave a lecture at the American School of Medicine the same year.

At the Hospital Esperanza there is an award with his name for the best Internal Medicine Resident.




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