Eduardo Halfon at a UFM’s Reading Club

Eduardo Halfon (fourth from left to right) with the group that participates in the Ludwig von Mises Reading Club

Writer Eduardo Halfon, author of El Angel Literario, visited the Reading Club at the Ludwig von Mises Library in the Francisco Marroquín University last June 28th 2006.

The members of the Club read that book, and the author commented what made him became a writer, the books he has written and the experiences that lead him to write the mentioned book.

During the hour that the meeting lasted, Halfon revealed important anecdotes on the books creation and the origin of some fiction characters that appear in the book.  The activity concluded with a book signing session.

Halfon is author of Esta no es una pipa, Saturno; and De cabo roto.  He is a literature professor at the UFM’s Economic Sciences School.  He studied Industrial Engineering in North Carolina State University and Philosophy and Letters at the Rafael Landívar University.

More photos,
[ here].




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