Andrea Tunarosa publishes column in The Wall Street Journal

The column was published on July 21st 2006

A column titled What do NGOs have against poor Guatemalans in the section titled The Americas, in the prestigious newspaper The Wall Street Journal, was Published by Andrea Tunarosa, graduated from the Francisco Marroquín University.

Tunarosa is
Robert L. Bartley fellow at the Journal and works under the direction of the journalist Mary O’Grady director of The Americas.

In her column, published on the July 21st 2006 edition, Andrea Tunarosa explores the prejudicial role that some Non-Governmental Organizations, like Oxfam America and Torontos Rights Action, regarding the development possibilities of poor Guatemalans.

Tunarosa graduated Summa Cum Laude at the Economic Sciences School of the Francisco Marroquín University on May 2004, and came back to Guatemala after a Masters degree in Spain.

In that European country she got a Masters degree on Journalism by the San Pablo CEU University and work at the newspaper El Mundo.  Tunarosa has written for the magazine América Economía and now she writes for The Wall Street Journal.




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