FCE students in leadership course

The students during one of the activities

Freshman students from the Economic Sciences School of the Francisco Marroquín University, participated in a seminar organized bye The Excellence Center of this house of studies.

During the same one, celebrated from June 29 to July 9th 2006, four groups of approximately 22 students each, had ropes dynamics proper of the Center, headed by its director Carla de Hess; and also had leadership classes imparted by Mónica de Zelaya and Maya de Mena, from the School.

This is the third year that the course takes place, at the FCE; and the students estimate that it has good results in their lives; it helps us think, trust others; its creative and entertaining; and it has taught us to have goals.

The ropes camp installations of the Excellence Center are located in a hill behind the Ludwig von Mises Library, that also form part of the UFMs Arboretum.  More than 2000 persons, including students, professors and administrative personnel from this house of studies and other organizations and businesses have received workshops that include ropes dynamics at the University.

The Excellence Center is an educative project directed to UFM students and external persons to contribute to their integral education, to develop leadership and teamwork skills.

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