Baessa and Licht at the APA convention

Rocío Paiz and Yetilú de Baessa showing a poster on child labor in the APA convention

Yetilú de Baessa, director of the Psychology Department at the Francisco Marroquin University, and Andrea de Licht, director of the Viktor Frankl Clinic of this house of studies participated in the convention of the American Psychological Association celebrated in New Orleans from August 9th to 13th 2006.

During the convention, Doctor Baessa presented a study titled Child Labor in Guatemalan Children: Emotional Effects and Consequences.  «In it we found that children who work have statistically, a negative self esteem compared to those children who only study.  The qualitative data of the study show that working children come from numerous families, up to 11 members», the author explained.

During the convention, Baessa and Licht met with Rocío Paiz, UFM alumni, currently studying nutrition in New Orleans and waiting to be accepted for a Ph.D. degree.




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