Thanks and farewell to Ernesto Porras

Ernesto Porras waving the cane given by the Architecture Faculty.  Adolfo Lau at the stand.

With a symbolic cane and cheerful claps the students, administration and faculty members, the students of the Architecture School of the Francisco Marroquín University showed their gratitude to the departing Dean, Ernesto Porras.

Architect Porras was Dean for 16 years and handed the deanship to Architect Roberto Quevedo.

During the gratitude and farewell act offered by the Faculty members, a speech was given by the ex-Dean Adolfo Lau, and a retirement cane was given by John Rogosinski.  Cristy Cabrera, in name of the students and Luisa María de Wer, representing the faculty, offered Architect Porras some ornamental presents.

During the act Porras and the Faculty recognized and thanked with some roses the work of Mónica García, the Dean’s assistant for 14 years.

The new Architecture Dean, Roberto Quevedo, offered some emotive words during the act where the UFM’s President Giancarlo Ibárgüen S. and the UFM’s General Secretary Ricardo Castillo A., and the ex Dean Augusto De León attended.

De León gave Quevedo a whip as a welcoming gift.  At the end, President Ibárgüen congratulated Quevedo and thanked Porras.

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