Israel’s chancery aspirants, at the UFM

Cristian Cantor, Maor Elbaz and Rania Joubran, during the conference

Rania Joubran and Maor Elbaz, aspiring to Israels chancery, visited the Institute of Political Studies and International Relations and offered an academic lecture on the new diplomatic perspective of their country, as part of their diplomatic training program.

Last September 11th 2006, Joubran and Elbaz, joined by Cristian Cantor, Israels consul in Guatemala, talked on the challenges of public administration and evaluated the conflict between Israel and Lebanon.

When the activity ended, the visited the UFM Campus joined by David Martínez-Amador, director of the Ibn Khaldun Center.

«The added value of this activity is that both visitors lived closely the conflict, since they belong to the reserve army of Israel.  The internal vision of the conflict, the  defense politics and the diplomatic interests of the Sate of Israel is a great experience for every student who wants to understand the dynamic of Middle East, with the opinion of witnesses of a war conflict, where the States rhetoric opposes the battle field reality», said Martínes-Amador.

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