Juridical week at the UFM

General Benjamín Godoy while adressing UFM students and professors

The Juridical week organized by the Law School of Universidad Francisco Marroquín, is celebrated from September 18th to 22nd 2006, with conferences, forums, movie forums, chats, book fair, acknowledgment to the national authors and an academic competition.

The first conference, titled Una Guerra de treinta años, was held on September 18th in the Milton Friedman Auditorium, it was lectured by General Benjamín Godoy and Colonel Juan Guillermo Oliva.

The celebration includes the Recognition to the national authors, given to Rigoberto Juárez-Paz, author of Cinco relatos contra el olvido; a movie forum on El señor Presidente and another one on La ley de Herodes; an academic competition, the presentation of the Asociación proReforma del Estado; conferences, chats and forums on El caso Eichman, las maras y las pandillas, los Fundamentos Institucionales del Estado de Derecho and La Casación Civil.  Also a recognition to Rodrigo Toriello, alumni and ex-professor of the School.

Refering to the activity, Law School dean, Milton Estuardo Argueta, said that the success of the Juridical week is due to the students participation.  «We can plan a lot of things, but without their enthusiasm and participation, they would simply be plans.  I am sure that in some way or another, each of the activities leaves them something more in their formation as persons.  If any professional should praise its humanist formation, is the layer.  Our preparation must go beyond the codes, norms and doctrines, even though these are the ones that guide our daily profession.  This will make us different.»

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