EPRI presented master degrees at the UFM

Pedro Trujillo while welcoming the participants

Four different master degrees were offered at the Political Studies and International Relations Institute of Universidad Francisco Marroquín, last Tuesday October 31st 2006.

Pedro Trujillo, Director of the Institute, expressed that in the University, as well as in the Institute, we are permanently looking the way to make study plans that have not only the needed academic courses, but that aim towards excellence.

The Masters degree in International Business is designed to propose an analytical space related with commerce and economy, taking into account that the political analysis, market intelligence, agreements between states and other analytical and commercial tools are necessary elements to detect business niches and to fulfill an appropriate prospective.

The Masters in International Relations offers a formation to students who are interested in understanding a globalized world with complex and changing situations.  The American and world history, the political evolution of the most recent events, the role of economy in the relations between different international actors, safety and its conceptual evolution and, the political process are some of the themes that are detailed and developed in this option.

The Master in Politics and International Law seeks to cover a conjoint and compared study of both themes since a variety of international affairs have these transversal axes; and in some occasions it is difficult to determine the role and importance of each one in problem resolutions that are generated in the international environment.   To know this tight relationship, its importance and impact now and in the future is the most important end that is pursued in this space of master degree.

The International Political Economy program offers a multidisciplinary approach of the international environment. In it the student is prepared to face world problems and is given the theoretical tools to develop rigorous analysis on geopolitical, financial, economic, historical and diplomatic components.





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