UFM hosts, in action

A group of hosts, with Carla de Hess, from the Excellence Center, while practicing balloon elevations

The host students of University Francisco Marroquín recently have participated in diverse activities.  Some of them were training and others were related to the attention to visitors of this house of studies.

In recent days they have met with the UFM’s President, Giancarlo Ibárgüen S. to get familiar with UFM’s History; they have had planning meetings; visited the Museum Popol Vuh, the special collection of the Ludwig von Mises Library, and the New Media Digital Resources Center, to see the spaces and activities available for students, professors, administrative personnel, friends and visitors of this house of studies.

The group of students participating as host at the university is coordinated by Mayra Ramirez, assistant of the Presidents Office.  The hosts are students of all the schools, institutes and departments of the University from freshman to seniors.  They participate in name of the UFM in public events and make possible that the guests feel welcome to the House of the Freedom. Its participation has been outstanding in events like the Entrepreneurs Forum, the Perspective Forums, in the celebration of the anniversary of Cervantes, in the graduation acts, and for the visit of personalities like the Nobel prize in Economy, Vernon L. Smith, for example.

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