UFM students seek the sun

Any place is good when sunshine is present

During these cold November days, while the temperatures of Guatemala City have dropped to 11 degrees Celsius, the students of Universidad Francisco Marroquín seek the sun at the campus gardens.

The central garden and the monument to Bishop Francisco Marroquín are adequate areas to rest and enjoy the sunshine.  At the Agora students have moved the furniture toward sunnier spots.

Alone or accompanied, students enjoy the environment comprised by gardens, monuments and the
Arboretum established in the property.

Among the objectives of the UFM’s Arboretum are to preserve and exhibit living plants and trees, native and exotic; making an ecological refugee for endangered animals and plants; to recover the ecosystem of the University campus and to have an inventory of the campus biodiversity.

The UFM’s arboretum offers perdurable lessons to all of those interested in protecting the environment: 1. it is individual persons who should worry and be responsible of the environment processing the information at the right time and place to discover ecological niches; 2. that there is no incompatibility with economic growth and environment quality, and 3. that the effective protection of the environment depends on the establishment of institutions that protect individual rights and that the recognition of private property constitutes a special condition to improve the quality of the environment.

The experience at the UFM’s arboretum allows the confirmation that individual persons are responsible for their environment; that there is no incompatibility between economic growth and environmental quality and that the effective protection of the environment depends of institutions that protect individual rights.

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