Acquire your notebook at the UFM

The notebook can be seen at the labs in the 3rd floor of the Business School Building

Tying to bring you the best advantages for being part of Universiad Francisco Marroquín, we offer you an easy way to acquire your notebook.  Students and professors may apply.

Hardware characteristics:ToshibaModel A135-S4527Dual Core processor of 1.73GhzRAM memory of 1 GBHard Drive 120GBDVD Double Layer BurnerVideo Memory 256Mb 15.4″ screenWireless 802.11 b/gModem / LAN / Audio / S-VideoWeight: 6 pounds

Software  characteristics:Windows Vista BusinessOffice 2007 Pro (Word, Excel, Outlook, Power Point)Mcafee Antivirus + AntiSpyware

Extras:BackPack1 GB USB Memory stick3 year guarranty

What do you have to do to acquire it?:Make your down payment of Q1,000.00 at Banco Industrial located in the UFM.Suscribe a contract at Atención al Estudiante, 3ird floor of the Academic Building, where the cuotas will be specified: 24 coutas of Q320.00 each.Accept a 15 day delay, for shipping and handling.Pick up your computer at the Advanced Technologies Center, at the 2nd floor of the Business School Building.

Note: A demonstration of the notebook can be held at the laboratories of the 3rd floor of the Business School Building, with everything that comes with it.





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