Democracy and populism, at CADEP

Eneas Biglione, at UFM’s Central Garden

Democracy and populism , what is and would be the government model of the future?  Was the name of the lecture that Eneas Biglione exposed at the V Inter University Seminar Economy for Politics, organized by Centro de Anàlisis de las Decisiones Públicas (CADEP)of Universidad Francisco Marroquín, with the support of 10 Guatemalan Universities.

Eneas Biglione participated in a forum on that theme with Dina Fernández, journalist; Andrés Marroquín, Ph.D. in Economy and Ariel Rivera, Dean from the Political and Social Sciences School from Universidad Rafael Landívar.

After getting his degree on Auditing and Accounting at Universidad Católica of Argentina, Biglione got two licentiates in the United States: one on International Studies and the other one on General Studies, both at the Northern Virginia Community College at Annadale, Virginia.  Currently he is the director of the Hispanic American Center for Economic Research (HACER), based in Washington D.C. and is an Associate Investigator for Latin American themes for the Atlas Economic Research Foundation.  He is a Counsellor for the Mexican Federal Government through the Instituto de Mexicanos en el Exranjero (IME).

CADEP diffuses and stimulates the interdisciplinary study of the public choice analysis, to support and bring up proper political solutions in a society of free and responsible persons.  This year the Seminar explored the welfare economy from five questions: Are the premises that sustain the welfare state model realistic? What results has the Welfare state obtained in Latin America? Are the citizens needs of housing, health, education, social welfare and others been satisfied? Is there less material inequality due to the existence of a welfare State, and is equality a desirable goal? What factors have impeded the politicians to fulfill their welfare state promises? 

The participating Universities were Universidad Francisco Marroquín, Universidad Galileo, Universidad Mesoamericana, Universidad Mariano Gálvez, Universidad del Istmo, Universidad Panamericana, Universidad Rafael Landívar, Universidad Rural, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala and Universidad del Valle de Guatemala. The Seminar took place from April 10 to the 12th of 2007. 





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