Education for the poorest, at CADEP

Andrew J. Coulson during his tour through the UFM campus

Improving the educational services for the poor was the subject that Andrew J. Coulson lectured on at the V Inter Universitary Seminar on Economy for Politics organized by Centro de las Decisiones Públicas (CADEP) of Universidad Francisco Marroquín, with the support of 10 Guatemalan Universities.

The participating Universities were Universidad Francisco Marroquín, Universidad Galileo, Universidad Mesoamericana, Universidad Mariano Gálvez, Universidad del Istmo, Universidad Panamericana, Universidad Rafael Landívar, Universidad Rural, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala and Universidad del Valle de Guatemala. The Seminar took place from April 10 to the 12th of 2007. 

During his visit to the campus, Coulson participated in a lunch with professors from the Henry Hazlitt Center.  He also visited the Academic building and its Socratic Wing, the New Media Digital Resources Center, the Ludwig von Mises Library and its rare collections and the Museo Popol Vuh.  That day he also participated in the radio show Good Morning Guatemala, directed by Carlisle Johnson.

Andrew J. Coulson directs the Center for Educational Freedom, and is an expert in education at the Cato Institute in Washington D.C.  He currently serves on the Advisory Council of the E.G. West Center for Market Solutions in Education at the University of Newcastle, UK.  Such center develops a revolutionary research on private and public education in marginal neighborhoods of third world countries.

Coulson is author of Market Education: the unknown history and has written chapters for books published by the Fraser Institute and the Hoover Institute.  His academic and journal articles have been published at the Journal of Research in the Teaching of  




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