HIV study was presented by dentistry students

Partial view of UFM’s dentistry students during their presentation of their HIV study

With the purpose of knowing risk levels of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus during dentistry practice, the main causes and forms of infection, the suitable methods to avoid infection and spreading (of HIV and other virus and pathogens), to provide updated information to doctors, hospital personnel and patients, the risk of HIV infection through saliva, the most effective treatments to treat HIV in relation to its cost and efficiency, and the doctor’s psychology towards infected patients, the students of Microbiology, from Second and Third year of the School of Dentistry of Universidad Francisco Marroquín elaborated a study on HIV+ patients at the Dentistry clinic.

The students and their professor, Leticia Almengor Hecht, presented the study last April 17th of 2007 at the UFM.  «This is important in their practice as future Dentists and their personal life. The work is based on the study of a real case of a Dentist, in his clinic, which is described in the last part of the final document», explained Almengor.

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