Lecture on Wittgenstein, at the UFM

Dr. María Cerezo at the UFM’s Friedrich A. Hayek Auditorium

The figure and thought of Ludwig Wittgenstein; and Language and Logia in the Tractatus of Wittgenstein were the titles of the themes that professor María Cerezo exposed at Universidad Francisco Marroquín last Thursday April 12 of 2007.

The first theme was the topic of a lecture at the Friedrich A. Hayek Auditorium of this house of studies; the second one was the topic of the philosophers colloquy from the Economic Sciences School and the Superior Social Sciences School.

Doctor María Cerezo is professor of logic at Universidad de Navarra, Spain; she has a Ph.D. in Philosophy from that house of studies. 

Her areas of interest are history of logic and analytic philosophy, and the philosophy of logic and language of Wittgenstein, among others.

During her visit at the UFM, Doctor Cerezo also talked about the philosophy of the mind, on Wednesday April 11. She also met with UFM’s President, Giancarlo Ibárgüen S.





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