Poetic duel at »Of Free Expression»

Marcelo Furlán won the poetic duel

The first poetic duel, in Of free expression, was carried out last April 16th of 2007 at the Künstler Kaffee of the Ludwig von Mises Library.

The participants were Marcelo Furlán, Adelaida Loukota and Christian Kummerfeldt; and the dynamic was that two poets read two poems of their production and the audience chose who passed to the second round.  The winner of the duel, chosen by the public more times, was Marcelo Furlán.

The subjects of the poems were: poetry written in class, love/heartbreaks, Islands, the city and death.

Iván Morales was the moderator of the duel; and the next edition will be next Thursday May 24th, in the same place, to 2:30 p.m. Marcelo will defend his title against other two poets.

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