Psychology students at the Excellence Center

Partial view of the participants during one of the activities

To know different dynamics they can use in psychology and education, the group of students of Professor Olga de Galindo, from the Department of Psychology of Universidad Francisco Marroquín, participated in a workshop at the Excellence Center of this house of studies.

15 students took part in the workshop that was facilitated by Carla de Hess, last April 21st of 2007.

Some comments of the participants were:

I learned to see and to identify the strengths, threats and qualities of the leaders of the team. I like to know that although I have limitations, the group accepts them. It helps me to see beyond and to keep myself up.The facilities are very good. The Excellence Center is an educative project oriented to UFM students and external people to contribute to their integral education, developing their teamwork and leadership abilities, explained Carla de Hess, director of the Center.

The facilities of the Excellence Center are located in a hill behind the Ludwig von Mises Library and comprise the UFM’s Arboretum. More than 3.000 persons have received workshops and ropes dynamic in the University, including students, educational and administrative personnel of this house of studies; as well as students from other institutions and collaborator companies.

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