What is public and what is private in Government

David Amador, fourth from left to right, during the forum

The processes that developed the idea of a private space towards power in government, in the West, was the subject of a lecture presented by professor David Amador, director of the Ibn Khaldun International Research Center, of Universidad Francisco Marroquín, during the forum that, on the limits of the public and the private sphere of government, was carried out at Colegio de Profesionales de las Ciencias Sociales last July 18th of 2007.

Amador referred to the adaptation that Latin American elites have made from that historical notion. «Starting from the sociology of authors like Mead, Linton and Larsky, if social institutions are not a product of cultural and historical evolution, and daily human processes, they would never be functional. Up to a certain point, the notion surrounding what’s public, private and its limits depends more on the history process than the momentary comprehension that you have», Amador said.

The invited lecturers were Gustavo Porras and Jorge Fuentes, from Universidad Rafael Landívar; Heidi de Mata, dean of the School of Social Sciences of Universidad de San Carlos; and David Amador, from the UFM’s IK Center. 





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