Carlos Sabino will lecture course on How to write a book

Carlos Sabino has written books on Economy, History and Develompent, among others

The writer, historian and sociologist Carlos Sabino, author of Todos nos equivocamos and Guatemala, la historia silenciada, among others, will lecture the course How to write a book? At the Superior School of Social Sciences, of Universidad Francisco Marroquín.

During it they will explore subjects like why should I write a book; what special characteristics should it have; its inner logic; the process of elaboration; what should the book’s central axis be; how to organize materials, and what writing problems the author encounters.  As of Monday August 27th of 2007 the course will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 7:45 to 9:00 p.m. The course has a cost of Q1300.  More information is available at the telephone 2338-7733.

The author is doctor in social sciences and teaches at the Central University of Venezuela and at Universidad Francisco Marroquín.  He is also author of  Desarrollo y calidad de vida, of El fracaso del intervencionismo, of  De cómo un Estado rico nos llevó a la pobreza and  Diccionario de Economía y Finanzas, among others.




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