Conference on Dental Health and Nutrition

Nutrition students filled the Friedrich A. Hayek Auditorium 

Dental Health and Nutrition was the title of the conference lectured by Dr. Sofía Callejas, at the Nutrition School of Universidad Francisco Marroquín, last August 9th of 2007.

Among the exposed themes were many systemic diseases such as diabetes, that show alterations in the oral cavity.  The impotance of a low carbohidrate diet in order to avoid cavities was also mentioned. The need of vitamin complexes to improve inflamatory reactions and scars, such as vitamins A and D, was also discussed.  Another topic was childrens theeth and its relation with calcium intake. 

A well balanced diet, rich in fiber, is very important to improve dental health; good chewing favors oral health. These were some of the examples that Dr. Sofía Callejas, specialist in periodontics gave; she also recomended a clinical study of the patient taking into consideration the oral cavity.

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