Valle Verde students visited UFM

Students from Colegio Valle Verde at the bust of Francisco Marroquín

Joined by Elsita de Gonzalez, school counselor, 74 11th grade students from Colegio Valle Verde visited Universidad Francisco Marroquín last August 10th of 2007. The purpose of their visit was to know the campus and get acquainted with UFM’s academic offer.

After being received at the Liberty Plaza by Rossana de Grazioso, Admissions director of this house of studies, the visitors went to the Friedrich A. Hayek Auditorium where they saw the work done by 
New Media Digital Resources Center.  

Then they were divided in groups and visited the Ludwig von Mises Library and the special collection of the founding father José Cecilio del Valle; they also went to the Business School and the Academic Building. Later they had a dialogue with Rossana de Grazioso and a snack at the Agora.




IA y academia, alianzas y desafíos


Epidendrum ciliare adornan el campus


Consecuencias no intencionadas del estatismo, en Xela