Carlos Sabino published book on Guatemala’s History

Ambassador Eduardo Ibarrola and Carlos Sabino during the book presentation

At the Cultural Center Luis Cardoza y Aragón, located in the embassy of Mexico, Professor Carlos Sabino received the first volume of Guatemala, la historia silenciada (1944-1980), from the hands of the diplomatic representative Eduardo Ibarrola, last May 17th of 2007.

The work was published by Fondo de Cultura Económica, of that neighboring country; and was presented by the architect and History student, Augusto De León.  During the act, representing the Embassy and Fondo de Cultura Económica, Laura Mora offered some words.

«Although total objectivity is impossible in a work of this nature, due to the fact that I did not lived in Guatemala during the years that the investigation covers, I was, in addition, in superb conditions to maintain certain distance from the passions, always intense, that arrived to me like echoes of distant fights», Sabino explained.

«Next to the idea of dissipating the myths surrounding this story, that has been without a doubt the fundamental goal of this investigation, soon another motivation appeared: being able to narrate the ample human drama that delineates the facts, integrating in a single story the multiple experiences and different and contrasting points of view of the protagonists, of writing the incessant outcome of countless individuals that sometimes arrived at certain consensuses and in other occasions disputed with bitterness and without mercy», the author added.

In order to make the book, the author consulted an ample bibliography (of books, newspapers and documents) and made more than 100 interviews to people of all conditions (military and guerrillas, Catholics, Protestants, farmers, politicians, natives, men and women). As a result some new facts have appeared that allow a better understanding of certain events, a variety of points of view have been integrated and interesting anecdotes have appeared on events that, although enough treaties in the bibliography, they are still incomplete and they deserve to be studied more thoroughly.

Sabino also made some new maps and obtained valuable photographs of particular collections that, although they were known in their time, they have disappeared from the contemporary readers field of view.

«The book, due to its extension, has been divided in two almost independent volumes, for the readers greater comfort. It treats on political history, fundamentally, although it also approaches, sometimes, economic, social or cultural problems of importance. This first volume that appears now includes period 1944-1963. The next volume will cover the following lapse, culminating towards end of the Eighties», indicated professor Sabino.

Recently, Carlos Sabino published his autobiography, titled Todos nos equivocamos. The author has a Ph.D. in social sciences and is professor at the Central University of Venezuela and at Universidad Francisco Marroquín.  He is also author of Desarrollo y calidad de vida, of El fracaso del intervencionismo, De cómo un Estado rico nos llevó a la pobreza and a Dictionary on Economy and Finance, among others.




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