Orbaugh and Figueroa at Objectivist Conference

Warren Orbaugh and Luis Figueroa at the Objectivist Conference 2007

In the year where the 50th anniversary of Atlas Shrugged publication, by philosopher Ayn Rand, Professors of Universidad Francisco Marroquín, Warren Orbaugh and Luis Figueroa, attended the Objectivist Conference 2007 organized by the Ayn Rand Institute.

The axis of the OCON 2007 was a series of six conferences on The DIM Hypothesis, dictated by the philosopher Leonard Peikoff, author of that book that will be published soon.

The Conference included ten general sessions, a special discussion panel, events and 16 special courses on Ethics, Journalism, Law, Physics, History, Mathematics, Economy and Literature.

Among these were  The Science of Selfishness, by Craig Biddle;  Giants of Law, by Thomas A. Bowden;  Inspiring Heroes: Great Pioneers, by Debi Ghate, Elan Journo, and Keith Lockitch;  The Corporation, by Yaron Brook;  Two, Three, Four and all that, by Pat Corvini;  The Scientific Revolution, by David Harriman;  Atlas Shrugged as a Work of Philosophy, by Greg Salmieri;  The Media´s Fraudulent Accounting of Business Scandals, by Alex Epstein;  Property Rights in American History, by Eric Daniels; and  The Meaning of Victory: 1945, by John Lewis.

The Conference, that was celebrated in Telluride, Colorado, included a visit to the town of Ouray, whose valley inspired Rand in the conception of the Galt’s Gulch, an icon of the Atlas shrugged, work that «has marked a difference in more lives, after the Bible», according to a survey elaborated by The New York Times’ Reading Book Club of the month and the Library of the Congress of the United States of America, made in 1991.

During the Conference, professor Orbaugh handed Peikoff, of the original piece
Atlas Libertas, a sculpture with which the University Francisco Marroquín will celebrate the anniversary of the Atlas Shrugged.  The piece was sent to the philosopher by the sculptor Walter Peter, author of the sculpture.  

Architect Warren Orbaugh is professor of Design and History of Architecture in the UFM School of Architecture; whereas Luis Figueroa is professor of Social Philosophy at the Henry Hazlitt Center; and of Forensic Oratory, at the School of Law, of this house of studies. Both are members of the UFM’s Philosphy Seminar.

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