Carlos Sabino will publish his autobiography

Carlos Sabino is professor at the UFM.

«You have to read this book: Todos nos equivocamos (We all make mistakes). It is important and different. It will be published shortly by Grito Sagrado, a combative Argentine publishing house» said Carlos Alberto Montaner when talking about the autobiography of Professor Carlos Sabino that will be published shortly.

Carlos Sabino is, among other things, visiting professor of Universidad Francisco Marroquín; and Carlos Alberto Montaner expressed those words in the newspaper El Periódico last February 26th of 2007.

«While Sabino was teaching Sociology, he got a doctorate degree in Economy and, for the first time, found a rational explanation for under development and poverty that had much more sense and was adjusted to reality than those propagated by Marxism: a part of Latin Americans were very poor, because the enterprise network was weak and sufficient wealth was not created, explains Montaner.
In societies where republican institutions and the State of Law were constantly violated, the only thing that could be expected was barbarism and delay. The solution, thus, was not in Marx nor in Che Guevara as today it is not in Chávez nor in Evo Morales, but in Mises, Hayek, Friedman, Gary Becker, James Buchanan: in those who Mariano Grondona calls the thinkers of the freedom», the writer adds.

«It is not the first time that a book like this is written. Numerous valuable Latin Americans have traveled this road since the socialist collectivism of liberal thought: Octavio Paz, the Nicaraguans Humberto Belli and Arturo Cruz, the Venezuelans Carlos Rangel and Américo Martin, Mario Vargas Llosa, Pliny Apuleyo Mendoza, the Cuban Adolph Expensive Rivero, the Costa Rican Rodolfo Cerda and so on, over more than a hundred. But perhaps what differentiates this book is the absolutely pedagogical and calm tone in which it is written. It does not have the repellent fury of the converse, which allows him to neatly demolish and without hatred all myths of the socialism. He just simply tells his life and explains why he was wrong in his youth and why the solution against that intellectual error and that moral perversion he found in liberal thought.  Thats why it is a different book: Sabino does not condemns sins; he also follows the road to get out of hell», concluded Montaner.





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