Two contrasting empires: the historical presence of Spain and Great Britain in America, was the name of the conference that historian sir John Elliot offered to a group of professors and guests of the Henry Hazlitt Center, of Universidad Francisco Marroquín.
Sir John Elliot talked about the conquest and the colonization of America, by Spain and Great Britain, locating both experiences in its corresponding time and space.
The lecturer talked about the concept of «national character», mentioned by David Hume; and he compared institutional, religious, political, and economic aspects of the presences in study. Also in the distinguishing styles of imperial government and in the development of the movements that lead to independence.
Elliot is emerit university professor of Modern History in the University of Oxford. He is considered like one of the most important Spanish scholars of the world, specialized fundamentally in the 16 and 17 Centuries of the history of Spain and figures like the count-Duke de Olivares.
Invited by the CHH participated Yolanda de Sandoval, Manuel Lorenzana, Ramon Parellada, Gunther Meléndez, Regina Wagner, Héctor Herrera, Jorge Miranda, Pedro Trujillo, Jorge Luján, Jorge Molina, Rodrigo Montúfar, Carlos Sabino, Luis Figueroa, and the director, Giancarlo Ibárgüen S.
Sir John Elliot visited the UFM as a result of the
Symposium of the International Map Collectors´ Society, that was celebrated in this house of studies between the 5 and the 7 of February of 2007.
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