Geographic mayan concepts at Museo Popol Vuh

Oswaldo Chinchilla, curator of the Museo Popol Vuh, next to the earth cocodrile.

The face of the Earth, or U Wach Ulew, is the name of the special exhibition on Mayan geographic concepts that Museo Popol Vuh offers, at Universidad Francisco Marroquín.

The Mayans knew profoundly their geographic environment, explained the museum curator Oswaldo Chinchilla.

«They flourished due to a surprising adaptation to the environmental conditions that surrounded them.  They conceived the world as a quadrangular space that was ordered and measured during the time of creation.   The Gods created the face of the Earth with the sole purpose of human life. In words of the Popol Vuh: everything was measured and marked in four divisions.  The measuring cords of the Sky matrix and the Earth matrix were folded and stretched in the four corners, in the four sides«, is explained in the

This exhibition, that is open in the regular schedule of the museum, includes iconography and pieces that show the four winds, geographic features, and objects related to long distance interchange.

The exhibition was mounted in the context of the Symposium of the
International Map Collectors´ Society that was celebrated here in the UFM.

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