Library staff at Mises colloquy 

Partial view of the participants at the Ludwig von Mises colloquy.

In order to know more of the distinguished economist Ludwig von Mises, whose name was given to the Library of Universidad Francisco Marroquín, the personnel of this unit and the UFM President, Giancarlo Ibárgüen S., met in a colloquy.

Organized by the Library’s administration, the encounter turned around the biography and work of
Mises who made great contributions to the study of economic science, by means of identifying the market as the best mechanism for the allocation of resources, and as father of praxeology or the science of human action.

The visit of von Mises to Guatemala in 1959, invited by the Centro de Estudios Económico Sociales (CEES), inspired the group that later founded the UFM and decided to honor him giving his name to our Library.

As a preparation for the colloquy, the participants read a biographical note of Mises that Murray N. Rothbard wrote, and a chronology of his life that is included in a pamphlet that is available to the public at the library.

The encounter took place last January 5th of 2007.

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