SER, at Universidad Francisco Marroquín

The SER team at UFM.

Excellence Service with Responsibility (SER) is a team that, through motivation looks forward to promote the service culture with excellence at Universidad Francisco Marroquín.

SER is a consequence of the excellence and client service course attended by the administrative and faculty personnel of this house of studies in January 2007. The course and the SER team are, by themselves, a result of the UFM’s commitment with excellence that, at the university, is defined as “a superior quality that makes persons of things worthy of singular esteem or estimation”.

The SER team is made up by a group of voluntary collaborators and enthusiasts compromised with the search of service with excellence; and pursue a multiplying effect on the UFM members. Their slogan is “doing it right is not enough, I want to do it with excellence!”

Last February 5th of 2007 SER’s volunteer team met with UFM’s President Giancarlo Ibárgüen S. to plan the activities.

“We should all participate because we are part of an excellent team”, said Luz María Barrientos de Cevasco, coordinator of Administrative Services, while explaining that we can contribute to SER’s success “in every aspect of our jobs since it is a vital part of the image and the development of the activities at the university”.

“I participate at SER because I am part of the UFM family and if we want to improve we should participate”, said Guisela Castillo, secretary at the Law School, while commenting that “improving is something that implies effort and dedication in the changes”.

On the other hand, José Luis Chalí, from the Maintenance Department said that he participates because “the team helps us be better in all the areas of our lives and to motivate more people”.

Andrea Muso de Lich, director of the Viktor Frankl Clinic, explained that “My attention was drawn to be part of the team that looks to make a difference in the attention with excellence because the UFM gives a formal educational service addressed to people. And in this sense, the clients are students, professors and the administrative personnel”.

Mayra Ramirez, assistant to the UFM’s President, expressed that “I am proud of the UFM’s excellence and I would like that we would all shine and showoff giving the best”.

Manlio Rodas, from Informatics, said that “I am motivated by the fact that students, parents, providers, professors, administrative personnel and visitors that come to the UFM know they will find the best of the best. The people expect a good service and we want to commit not only to be good, but to be excellent.”




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